Aoife’s Kiss, December 2008… (4th print acceptance!)

Wow.  Today would mark my 4th Print Acceptance into Aoife’s Kiss (published by Sam’s Dot Publishing), and when it comes to paying prints, four would be the record for a single magazine.  December 2008 is a good ways off, of course, but there are only so many slots per quarterly issue in a magazine, and being able to fill or snag most of them (even if they’re small press, even if a few are reprints) is a nice feeling.  But there’s more… So please bear with me.  In the meantime, here are links below to learn more about Aoife’s Kiss:


(sample issue w. Robert Reed below)


For Aoife’s Kiss Guidelines:

For Sam’s Dot Publishing Info:

Lawrence Dagstine’s Upcoming Appearances in Aoife’s Kiss: September 2007, March 2008, June 2008, and December 2008 (may go in collection, this one).

Ah, yes, the “more” part.  Sam’s Dot Publishing is interested in doing a collection with me.  A short story collection.  Whether these are previous appearances, all new stories, horror or scifi, themed or unthemed, I don’t know yet.  But there is talk of a short story collection.  I think the latest accepted tale might actually go in there, too.

However, if so, I probably wouldn’t start it until 2008.  My kid is less than a week old, and he needs me right now (also, for the fact, my nights have been sleepless!).  Oh, and if you haven’t had a chance yet, please be sure to check out “Unplanned Parenthood” for a peek at the little guy.  😉

Yours Truly,

Lawrence R. Dagstine

Silverthought Press… (appearance)

My alternate history tale, “Lewis Carroll and the Time Machine”, is now up in the August 2007 edition (online update), of Silverthought:

silverthought.jpg  bookstoreignition01.jpg

That Link Again:

This is my 57th Acceptance to Silverthought Press over the years.  They’re not just a site for good, entertaining speculative fiction, but headed up by professional editor Paul Evan Hughes, they are many other things as well.  They’re a book press, offering the finest line-up of modern SF/transgressive titles.  They have FREE CONTESTS where you can win a lot of cool stuff, such as free books from their library.  They’re also a place for writers, and they have peer review and critiquing groups which help writers grow in their craft.  Like I said, I’ve been there a few years myself. 

Some of their most recent titles include: ‘A Dark and Deadly Valley’ (by Mike Heffernan), ‘The Trinity’ (by David LaBounty), and ‘Chaise’ (by Becci Noblit Goodall).  I also appear in their IPPY Award-Nominated Antho, ‘Silverthought Ignition Anthology’ with two stories, entitled: “Zombie Mountain” and “Let’s Play God”.  The award nominations there speak for itself, as do their fine line-up of writers.

In other news, my fiancee’s water broke a few hours ago at her parent’s house.  I’m on my way to the hospital come daybreak, so this will be my last entry here for a good month.

Wish me luck, and hopefully if all is well you will get to see me and my son soon…

Until my next update…

Lawrence R. Dagstine  🙂

Escape Velocity – Fall 2007… (coming soon; teasers)

Coming late this Fall, from Adventure Books of Seattle, ESCAPE VELOCITY. Featuring some of today’s hottest and finest “growing” names in the field of science fiction.  If this is the sneak preview for the cover (teaser art), I’ll shit on myself.  This one’s going to have a decent circulation and line-up, too, and be available in bookstores, including Borders. 


Coming Soon from Adventure Books of Seattle:

(Other New Entries: Mad Ramblings, Magazine Credits 1)

The Fifth Di… (December 2007; acceptance)

And they keep coming…Another paying acceptance, small press and this time a reprint, to the December 2007 issue of Sam’s Dot Publishing’s Online Zine, “The Fifth Di…”  J. Alan Erwine and Tyree Campbell put together some quality small press ezines and anthos such as Aoife’s Kiss, The Martian Wave, and of course, The Fifth Di…


I’ll also be appearing in their September 2007 Issue with ‘The Butterfly idealists’, an older story.  (I have about 15 to 20 stories coming out this Fall alone, then more straight through early 2009).  In other news, my blog-turned website viewings have increased.  It is usually never this high.  Strange but “creepy”, seeing that this website is dedicated to my family, the love of prose, and the small press.  Anyway, stay tuned to this blog for upcoming news on me, writing, science fiction, family, the enigma (lol), and more.  😉

Nova SF #20… (3rd appearance; coming soon)

This week’s plug goes out to NOVA SF. Editor Wesley Kawato puts out a stellar little print publication filled with stories of the “beyond” and bestowed with elements of religion. The combination of hard SF and the Bible make for an interesting mix.  Both Jupiter SF and Nova SF are the longest running and best small press print pubs out there today for this particular genre, too.  Sample issues below:

nova_15mini.jpg nova_16.jpg nova_17mini.jpg nova_18mini.jpg


“NOVA Science Fiction Magazine is a hard copy science fiction magazine with stories about space travel, time travel, alternate history and more.”

Yep, that’s what their site says, and they pay ‘1/2 cent per word’ up to 10,000 words for your best hard SF/religious SF.  I’ll be making my “THIRD” print appearance with them, Issue #20.  Don’t know if I got the lead story or cover art yet.  Between 2005 and 2006, I first appeared in Issue’s #15 and #18.  Here are their covers:


Nova SF #15, 2005: “Noah from Mars” by Lawrence Dagstine


Nova SF #18, 2006: “Men are from Ganymede, Women are from Callisto”

Issue #20 is scheduled for mid-to-late Fall 2007.  Wesley Kawato called me a small press veteran in Issue #18, so yeah, he deserves this plug.  If you need submission guidelines, subscription rates or other info for this wonderful semi-annual, here’s that link again:

And last but not least, “Written Word Online Magazine #4″ ( went live today.  My byline got spelled wrong again.  It should be Dagstine, not Digstine.  Magazines tend to mistake me for the supermarket chain, D’agostino’s, too. 😦

Written Word Magazine #4… (August 2007)

The August 2007 Issue of Written Word Online Magazine ( is coming out in a few more days.  I’m in this month’s edition with a story about parenting an orphan robot girl.  A deadly robot girl.  “Planned Parenthood“.  I haven’t decided yet if I’ll work on a longer version to this story down the road.  With my whole inner ear out of wack right now (yeah, vertigo sucks), and my Internet time limited because of it, well, my writing’s been pretty much on the backburner. 


That Link Again:

Written Word has featured such authors as Gary Beck, Rick Novy, Eric S. Brown, Kristine Ong Muslim, Vera Searles, Karen L. Newman, and more.  They’ve become pretty popular, switching to a monthly or bimonthly format. 

The idea and inspiration for my story, Planned Parenthood, came about around December of last year, when I learned my fiancee was pregnant.  And speaking of parenthood… Only two-to-three weeks to go… My son will be here! I am worried though, as the baby turned “breech” on us.  There are risks involved.  Preparing for the birth has taken up a lot of my time.  I’ll have an “Unplanned Parenthood” column on the right-hand side down the road, and this new blog website of mine will also grow into my family homepage.

So stay tuned and watch some great things grow with it.  🙂

Sein Und Werden… (acceptance)

Just got an acceptance into Rachel Kendall’s magazine, Sein Und Werden.  I’ll have a short story in either the print or online version(s); won’t know which one though until sometime before or after August 20th.  



Sein Und Werden is a UK-based publication.  The magazine usually features fiction of a surrealistic, existential, literary bent.  But the issue I’ll be in is a “themed” issue.  Ghosts and Clowns.  My story, of course, will be a ghost story.

Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #16 (appearance)

Here’s a magazine which I highly recommend, put out by Stephen Theaker.  It’s from the UK.  Print.  Available through LULU.   It’s called “Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction“.  I appear in Issue #16 with a short SF piece, called, “Our Plight on Amaros”.


You can buy your copy here: