New Anthologies: “Classics Remixed” – Left Hand Publishers

I have a science fiction story in Left Hand Publishers speculative fiction anthology, titled: CLASSICS REMIXED. Edited by Karen T. Newman. This is a big beefy book, chock full of imaginative stories of characters we know from past fairy tales, novels, and folklore. What happens when you take famous story characters and put them in different scenarios, speculative situations, or twist around a fairy tale? You get Classics Remixed. An anthology of classic characters REMIXED and REIMAGINED into something new and different. It has beautiful cover art, and as always when I update my website, I will leave pictures of book covers, a lineup of the author talent (Table of Contents), and links to the publisher’s website and places like Amazon, where you can order this book in trade paperback form.


An Anthology: Edited by Karen T. Newman


Left Hand Publisher’s Online Store (order book):

Classics Remixed – Order from Amazon:


Table of Contents for Classics Remixed:

Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother Tells All by Jill Hand
The inside story behind one of our favorite fables
Sailor’s Saga by Steve Rouse
Old Man and the Sea meets Moby Dick meet 20,000 Leagues
Not a Single Soul by Tom Howard
A good witch, a wicked witch, but which witch is which?
The Maze Under the Clouds by Blake Jessop
A sci-fi spin on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur
The Upper Hand by A.P. Sessler
In a spin on “The Monkey’s Paw,” be careful what you wish for…
Of House and Home by Eric Andrews-Katz
Were Hansel and Gretel the victims? Not so much.
Solomon’s Moon by Kevin M. Folliard
Not all invisible men are created equal. Some are just bad.
A Taste of Wonderland by Gregory L. Norris
Starvation twists Alice, Wonderland, and all its inhabitants
Gluttony by Henry Herz
What happens below decks, stays below decks in this biblical misadventure.
Moby n’ Queegs by William Ade
This ain’t your daddy’s Moby Dick
Follicles, Fables & Follies by Paul K. Metheney
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down … never mind
Jane, Designed to Love by Brandon L. Summers
Jane Eyre or A.I.? Do androids dream of electric love?
Ding Dong the Pitch is Deadly by Jonathan Shipley
There’s no place like home plate
Catcher in the Crawlspace by Jay Seate
Catcher in the Rye or Stalker in the Crawlspace?
Curse of Avalon by Anthony Regolino
That’s no Lady of the Lake…
Treasure Moon by Robert Allen Lupton
Treasure Island with a sci-fi twisted sense of humor
Noah from Mars by Lawrence Dagstine
Science fictions versus one family’s faith
Strike the Match by Robert Petyo
The Three Musketeers go bowling. Seriously.
Handsome and Greedy by Katherine Brown
Hansel and Gretel like you’ve never seen them before
Copper County Fair by Cheryl Stevens Clark
The story of the Minotaur comes to Copper County
Mermaid by Karen Janowsky
The Little Mermaid in modern day prose
A Novel Gathering by Neil Childs
A band of fictional rogues who attempt to rob the poor to feather their own nests


Other New Entries: “Books & Anthos”

Amazon Kindle: “New eBooks by Lawrence Dagstine…”

Well, after a year in the making, the five-novellas project comes to a close.  Five brand new releases for Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook, Kobo, Sony eReader (via Smashwords), Apple iPad (Smashwords),, and I’m sure over the next few weeks a couple of more.  I have a wide range of science fiction, fantasy, horror, alternate history, satire and suspense titles available (including the almost-40,000 word A CHILD WEEPS IN MOSCOW), some inspired by authors like George Orwell and Kurt Vonnegut to Stephen King and Ray Bradbury.  Quality fiction with characters and plots that boldly go where no other (at least I hope) author has ventured before.  I’d like to take this time to thank my cover artist Bob Veon, and fellow editor Edith Marlowe.  With that said, these titles below are only 99 cents to $2.99 each, worth the price, and a welcome addition to any eReader.  Just click on the buttons beneath the covers to access the ordering page for your favorite reading device.  Or go and visit my eBooks & Kindle page (up on top).  Most of all, happy reading!



ONLY 99cts to $2.99


How Jones Goes by Lawrence Dagstine

Story Name: “How Jones Goes”

Price: SCIENCE FICTION (FREE on Smashwords)

Kindle               Nook_Button1_N75               Smashwords75               Kobo_Button75

In the late 21st century, overpopulation is a problem.  There’s also the problem with mental health.  In one particularly unusual asylum, there is Dr. Born (psychiatric intern) and Dr. Bloch (sexologist).  And then there’s Jones.  You have not met anyone like Jones.  You see, it’s not every day that patients claim they are from Mars.  And it’s not every day they come and go as they please.  A science fiction story filled with loads of satire (and lots of oddities that will make you shake your head) by speculative fiction author, Lawrence Dagstine.

A Child Weeps in Moscow by Lawrence Dagstine

A Child Weeps in Moscow by Lawrence Dagstine

Story Name: “A Child Weeps in Moscow”

Kindle               Nook_Button1_N75               Smashwords_Tall75              Kobo_Button75

Alien possession meets alternate history, in this communist tale set in 1923 Russia, about a boy named Abraham (Abe), whose parents suddenly disappear one day.  Like many of the adults throughout Russia, they are being taken away in the night by a special police force put together by Lenin’s “new” government, a government put together after the arrival of spacecrafts with biomechanoid origins and higher intelligence and influence.  Aliens the citizens simply call, The Invaders!

Klara Izolyev, Abe’s teacher, tells the boy that the only way he can learn the truth about the Invaders is to go to Moscow.  There he will learn what they really want on Earth, what role they play in the current socialist movement, and possibly find his missing parents and sister.  There he will fight starvation, arrest, combat homelessness, and meet an even more influential figure.  Arkady, the leader of a Moscow street gang, whose parents have also been taken away.  Together they will all journey to find the people they once loved, discovering just why the aliens are so interested in helping Lenin.

The Mysterious Lady of the Caribbean by Lawrence Dagstine

Story Name: “The Mysterious Lady of the Caribbean”

Kindle               Nook_Button1_N75               Smashwords75               Kobo_Button75

Mercer Hollingsworth is not your typical pirate; he’s more a buccaneer of the freelance sort, with a bit of the old hero in him.  No job is too big for his merry crew, so long as it helps bring down the Great Armada and plenty of booty is involved.  But when he brings his own wench aboard, members of the crew start disappearing.  Who is this mysterious young woman? Why does she sing so much? Why is Mercer still alive? When they find themselves stranded on an island in the Caribbean, blood and death will go hand in hand, as the wench reveals her true form and purpose in this speculative pirate story.

“The Paraplegic” by Lawrence Dagstine

Story Name: “The Paraplegic”

Kindle               Nook_Button1_N75               Smashwords75               Kobo_Button75

“Doc, I’m telling you.  I just woke up in a hole in broad daylight.  No memory!”

When Herbert was told he had amnesia, he knew things were bad.  When he couldn’t feel anything below the waist, he got scared.  When the doctor told him he’d be paralyzed for life, he got depressed and wanted to die.  After all, no one wants to be a paraplegic.  But what made him crippled so suddenly? Did somebody do this to him? And if so, why? Now in the hospital, undergoing intensive surgery, little does Herbert know that the force responsible isn’t done with him, not by a long shot! Something’s coming back.  There’s a little unfinished business to take care of, and it comes in the form of vampires.

“Family Reunion” by Lawrence Dagstine

Story Name: “Family Reunion”

Kindle               Nook_Button1_N75               Smashwords75               Kobo_Button75

When Kendra was a teenager, she got raped and knocked up more than once.  When she finally found the courage to run away with the children, she went back to school, got a job, and set up a nice life for herself far away.  The children are now eight, and Howard has come ‘home’ for what he feels belongs to him.  He swears he’s a changed man, he wants to get married and be a dad.  Even if it kills! He wants this reunion to be one that Kendra and the kids will never forget… should they live to tell about it!

"Overcast" by Lawrence Dagstine

“Overcast” by Lawrence Dagstine

Story Name: “Overcast”

Kindle               Nook_Button1_N75               Smashwords_Tall75               Kobo_Button75

It’s not every day that a 1920’s flying ace risks his life to bring a plane down safely for a little girl.  But when a horribly disfigured Sal and Lillian land in the remote, snowy mountains of Montana, a friendship will occur, a bond like no other.  As the winds blow and the snow accumulates, the pilot will do everything in his power to get this child down harsh ravines and rocky slopes.  Through darkness and despair they will do whatever it takes to stay alive.  A bittersweet story of survival, with an emphasis on the importance of not giving up and working together, no matter what age group you are.

Moscow Novella

Or purchase the NEW 150-page print version of Child Weeps in Moscow for $5.95.


Other New Entries: “New Releases, eBooks & Kindle”

If you can’t find a Dagstine story on a particular reader or android device, just get to me at Facebook or Twitter.  Every few weeks I will be ironing out formatting issues, adding on stuff, and working out other kinks.

Nova Science Fiction, Spring 2010… (Eight Acceptances!)

My 7th and 8th acceptances to the long-running print mag, NOVA Science Fiction, will be coming your way next year between Issues #25 and #26.  However, now that NOVA is going into its eleventh year and looking to thicken its pages and increase their circulation(s), I might have two stories in one issue again.  Previous issues would be No. #24.  Yes, I’m in it.  Stay tuned in 2010 for a Dr. Who convention with NOVA SF in the dealer’s area (and a lot of famous Brits), and a time traveling story of mine within their pages.


Issues #25 to #26 – Going into its 11th Year!




Submit Material Via Snail Mail:

NOVA Science Fiction

17983 Paseo Del Sol

Chino Hills, CA 91709

Other New Entries: “Magazines”

Nova Science Fiction #24, November 2009… (Now Available!)

I’m pleased to announce that the 24th issue of NOVA SF is now available.  Ten years publishing! This would mark my fifth appearance with the Hard SF and Christian SF publication.  I’ll have another story with them sometime in late spring 2010.  According to the recent Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market, the circulation has gone up a little.  Let’s see if we can increase that again this year.  You can also subscribe via Paypal.  Published semi-annually, NOVA SF is edited by Wesley Kawato.  It also appears he’ll have a dealer’s table at a very famous Doctor Who Convention in Los Angeles, CA in February.  GALLIFREY 2010/Gallifrey One:

It’s the Biggest Dr. Who Convention in the United States and NOVA SF will be there!


Fellow Satirica Author, Bill Housley, is also in this issue:


Autumn 2009 – Ten Years Running!




NOVA SF Banner



Other New Entries: “Magazines”


Nova Science Fiction, Fall 2009 and Spring 2010…

Do you like science fiction related to the planet Jupiter and its four moons? Good. Nova Scifi will be publishing me for a Fifth and Sixth  time in their print venue between this year and next.  They’ve been around for a number of years and are very popular in smaller press/religious Scifi circles.  NOVA SF is edited by Wesley Kawato.  They DO NOT accept email subs, but they will look at snail mail.  If you want to break into this market, it is recommended you have some kind of background in science or follow the guidelines to a tee.  If you get the cover and headline story, you get more.  They love religious SF, Hard SF, and themes related to Time Travel.  Religious there, too.

NOVA SCIENCE FICTION – Fall 2009 and Spring 2010

Stories FIVE and SIX coming soon…

Nova Science Fiction

Nova Science Fiction



On another note, I’m going to miss print.  Now that everything is becoming digital… Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the Next Generation Genre Magazine? Stay tuned… There’s a LOT in the pipeline.  From editing opportunities to a second collection to the magazine of the future!

Other New Entries: “Magazines”

NOVA Science Fiction, Issue #22… (4th appearance)

The latest issue of NOVA Scifi, No. 22, is finally available.  NOVA is easily one of the better Hard SF-meets-religious-SF based magazines available in the American small press today.  This would be my 4th appearance with them.  The cover art is dedicated to Jon Cooper’s, “Pharoah”. 

Previous Issues featuring Lawrence R. Dagstine:

-Issues #15, #18, #20, and New Issue #22



Issue Archive:

Issue #22 Fiction by: Jon Cooper, Erik Lenhart, Lawrence Dagstine, Joanne Tolson, Susan Taylor, Howard Bowman, Wesley Kawato, and Wesley Lambert.  Cover art by Josh Grieve.

Snail Mail and Queries: Nova Science Fiction, C/O Wesley Kawato, 17983 Paseo Del Sol, Chino Hills, CA  91709-3947

Other New Entries: “Magazines”