The Nightmare Cycle by Lawrence Dagstine – Now available in Barnes & Nobles

Just here today real quick to announce that my latest horror collection, The Nightmare Cycle, from Dark Owl Publishing, is available in Barnes & Nobles. Not just Amazon or horror specialty stores and conventions. You can obtain it online or through “select physical stores.” Probably the ones that have a horror section. If they don’t have it in stock, it can usually be obtained within two business hours (this can also mean one day). I’ll leave ISBN info down below, in case you want your local B&N brick and mortar to get it in for you. While I love the ease of Amazon and ereaders, personally, I prefer going and sitting with a cup of coffee or tea in a physical bookstore. Call me old-fashioned, but I will never tire of it. I’ll throw up the Amazon link as well. Cheers.

THE NIGHTMARE CYCLE by Lawrence Dagstine




Publisher:Dark Owl Publishing
Publication date:04/17/2023
Product dimensions:5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.46(d)

Or, if you prefer Amazon and Kindle (best of both worlds):

NEW BOOKS: “Lost, Stories of Missing People and Things” – Culture Cult Press

My latest appearance comes to a new anthology by Culture Cult Press, who I have been published with around three times before. They have very good distribution in India, and some of the proceeds from their books goes to help animals. So if you are an animal lover like myself (I have a pet turtle), and love to read, it is for a worthy cause. It is a themed anthology, and available in TWO volumes. Not just one book, but two. I have a story in the first one. I’ll put links all the way down below, like usual, and book pics off to the side.

The name of the anthology, LOST: A book of missing people and things. My story fits the theme perfectly. It is about a missing alien. It is speculative fiction. And the owner of this alien has to go looking for his adopted creature from another world. It is both heartwarming and satirical. Be sure to check out my story, “I Want My Alien Back.” Only in Volume One. Cheers.

LOST: An Anthology by Culture Cult Press

Volumes One & Two – Edited by Jay Chakravarti

Volume One featuring Dagstine story: “I Want My Alien Back.”

LULU purchase link for Paperback VOLUME ONE:

LULU purchase link for Epub VOLUME ONE:

POTHI (India Only) purchase link for Paperback:

POTHI (India Only) purchase link for Ebook (Epub and PDF):

LULU purchase link for Paperback VOLUME TWO:

LULU purchase link for Epub VOLUME TWO:

POTHI (India Only) purchase link for Paperback:

POTHI (India Only) purchase link for Ebook (Epub and PDF):



Visit them at:

Just a quick reminder, that a portion of the anthology proceeds (as well as many other Culture Cult book projects) does go to help animals in India (charity). My story, about a lost alien, is in Volume One. The first book. I’m not sure if it’s coming to Amazon or not, because Amazon has become very expensive (they went up again) due to the state of the economy. But if it does appear on Amazon, I’ll drop a link down here.

Oh, the turtle in the picture is “Bowser” by the way.

Other New Entries: “Books & Anthos”

DASH Literary Journal #16 – California State University (Fullerton – Futurist Fiction)

I’ve currently got a work of futurist fiction (spec-fic with a steampunk aesthetic tossed in for good measure), appearing in the current edition of DASH Literary Journal. No. #16, 2023. This is the official literary magazine of California State University. Out of Fullerton’s Comparative English Studies Department for Language and Linguistics. I actually studied linguistics back in the 1990s but ended up graduating in journalism and the science of publishing. I used to submit to a handful of literary magazines when I was first starting out in the fiction field. DASH No. #16 features poetry AND fiction, and the short stories in Volume #16 come from the likes of: J.M. Williams, Daniel Webre, Robert S. Gordon, Myself, Mark Silcox, Jared Livingston, James Fowler, and there is a TON of non-fiction. It’s very well put together. I will say that. Links, pics below with website info.

DASH Literary Journal Volume #16

THEME: Futurisms – (Futurist Fiction)

Featuring Dagstine Story: “Before Measured Time”


DASH Literary Journal on Facebook:

To my knowledge, it is available in PRINT only.

Other New Entries: “Magazines”