Alien Dimensions #26: Space Fiction Short Stories – “Mars Colonization Edition”

Pleased to announce that I have a Martian-themed short story in the current edition of Alien Dimensions, No. #26. “Mars Colonization, The Red Planet, and the 2030s and Beyond is the theme. It is all new, and it is available on Amazon Kindle and in a thick print paperback format (to my knowledge). This would be my third appearance with Alien Dimensions over the years. Last time I showed up was in the super successful No. #24. Alien Dimensions features interplanetary stories and space tales that harken back to an era when scifi was astounding and thought-provoking. My story could best be described as a 28-Days Later like tale about a contagion. But will the Martian doctors come to the rescue of the human race? Read my short story, The Pathogen in Alien Dimensions #26. Alien Dimensions could best be described as an Anthology-Magazine (the best of both worlds).

ALIEN DIMENSIONS No. #26 – Edited by Neil Hogan

Mars Colonization, Martian Theme – featuring Dagstine story The Pathogen

ALIEN DIMENSIONS HOMEPAGE (or click further below for Amazon):


Mars City Space Port by David Castlewtiz

The Trouble with Truffles by Humphrey Price

The Nerine Seven by Zachary Taylor Branch

Birthing the Unborn by Kellee Kranendonk

The Pathogen by Lawrence Dagstine

High Seas by Frank Dumas

The Great Deception by Lawson Ray

Guardian Friendship by Geoffrey Hugh Lindop

Limbo on Elysium Mons by Mary Jo Rabe

It’s a Lot Simpler from Orbit by Siv Art

Sustained Life on Mars by Jon Cox

Mars Orbit 2033 by Neil A. Hogan

Also check out Edition No. #24 (it’s big). I’ll put links and pictures off to the side, or the usual places.

I have a lot of stuff coming out this year.

New Entries: “Books & Anthos, Magazines, and Digital Credits.”

SCIENCE FICTION BOOKS: “Invasion The Dark Side of Technology Vol. 2” – Wicked Shadow Press.

Wicked Shadow Press really outdid themselves this time in a two volume series of science fiction and miscellaneous speculative tales surrounding dark technology, deadly machines, artificial intelligence, and science that can enslave us or kill us. Easily one of my ten favorite anthology covers of all time. Both books in the series are edited by Parth Sarathi Chakraborty, and some of the proceeds from the sales of these books goes to help animals in Kolkata, India, where it is already getting a warm reception. My story is not about AI (which has been a heated and dystopic subject of late), but more or less a science fantasy which involves the dark tech surrounding “buildings” and “skyscrapers.” This is a tale about architecture of the future, of other worlds, buildings that graze the clouds, and the “dark architects” who control utopias and dystopias behind the scenes. Not everything is always rosy and picturesque, even in large metropolises filled with tall buildings. Read my tale, “Architects of Change” in Volume Two of Invasion. I’m in Volume Two, so don’t forget that; but I recommend both. It’s available on Amazon Kindle for only $2.99, or as a paperback on places like Lulu. All links will be below the cover pics, as usual. Cheers.


From Wicked Shadow Press

Now Available on Amazon Kindle for only $2.99

Also available in STUNNING Amazon paperback (for the shelf collector)

Featuring Dagstine story: “Architects of Change”

ALSO AVAILABLE ON LULU (and as a print paperback there as well):

Buy a Paperback copy of INVASION Vol. 01 from

Buy a Paperback copy of INVASION Vol. 02 from

Buy the ebook of INVASION Vol. 01 from

Buy the ebook of INVASION Vol. 02 from


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