Sam’s Dot Publishing: “Convention Calendar Early 2009…”

This comes a little bit late, but Sam’s Dot Publishing books and magazines will be available at the conventions just below.  Aoife’s Kiss, Beyond Centauri, Sounds of the Night, Champagne Shivers, and more! I would say once the April conventions hit, you can ask for FRESH BLOOD (my latest collection).  It should be available then.  They publish a whole array of wonderful periodicals, novellas, and other genre fare. 



20-22 March: MidSouthCon, Olive Branch, Mississippi
27-29 March: ImagiCon, Birmingham, Alabama

10-12 April: MiniCon44, Minneapolis, Minnesota

24-26 April: Conestoga, Tulsa, Oklahoma

1-3 May: DemiCon, Des Moines, Iowa

22-24 May: ConQuest, Kansas City, Missouri

As for myself, due to the recent woes of the U.S. economy, I probably won’t be leaving the Northeast anytime soon.  But I will be walking the floor of this year’s FANGORIA Weekend of Horrors.  If you see me, stop me.  Say hi.  I’ll be representing a bunch of publishers and handing out free merch! Also, now that the weather is getting nicer, I’ll be attending book fairs and book festivals, and hopefully the odd reading or two. 

More to come.