FLASH FICTION ANTHOLOGY: “Flash of the Dead” Wicked Shadow Press

Pleased to announce I have a flash fiction piece, along with 52 other authors, in the new Wicked Shadow Press anthology: FLASH OF THE DEAD. All the pieces contained within this book are “micro tales” under 1500 words in length. Also known as the short-short, in story form, that is what flash fiction essentially is. Small, QUICK stories, that you can read on the bus or subway on your daily commute to work, especially when you are getting off in a few stops, or from the comfort of bed while drifting off to sleep. My mini tale is zombie-themed (obviously), and it is called, “Saving the Dead.”

Get the paperback version of FLASH OF THE DEADhttps://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/flash-of-the-dead/paperback/product-kp7m7p.html

Get the ebook version of FLASH OF THE DEADhttps://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/flash-of-the-dead/ebook/product-qp85vn.html

FLASH OF THE DEAD is coming soon for purchase on Pothi.com too (India)

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