Beyond Centauri, July 2008… (appearances)

I’m featured this month with a reprint in the current issue of BEYOND CENTAURI.  Published quarterly by Sam’s Dot Publishing, Beyond Centauri provides a wonderful mix of poetry and fiction for a young adult and adult audience.  Fantastic artwork and interior illustrations, too.  It’s available now at places such as The Genre Mall.


Featuring Fiction & Poetry by: Lawrence Dagstine, Daniel Castlewitz, Meghan Burris, Kimberly Solis, Jennifer Sparlin, Daniel C. Smith, Peter Frohn, Elizabeth Kuelbs, Laura Popp, Pamela Love, T.S. Miller, Kim Sheard, Elyse Salpeter, James Hartley, Gregory Bastianelli, Jennifer Dawson, Lee Malis, Kate Runnels, K.S. Hardy, Sharon Fotta Anderson, Gabrielle Deede, N.C. Whitehead, Terrie Leigh Relf, Karen L. Newman, Kendall Evans, Aurelio Rico Lopez III, and Charlotte E. Bennardo.  Edited by Tyree Campbell.

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